Amazon Attribution for Off-Amazon Advertising

Stephanie Schwailik
Stephanie Schwailik

Senior PPC Analyst

Off-Amazon Advertising

If you’re an Amazon seller, then you know the importance of driving traffic to your product pages. Using Amazon Attribution links is a proven method to achieve this goal. These are special links that track and attribute sales from any website or platform back to your Amazon store. In this post, we’ll discuss how to use these powerful tools to improve your Off-Amazon advertising efforts and boost sales on Amazon.

How Amazon Attribution Works

An attribution link is a unique URL that contains tracking parameters, which can be used for analytics purposes. When someone clicks on one of these links, the data associated with that click gets sent back to Amazon. This allows businesses to track where the potential customer came from before landing on their site and making a purchase. Sellers can then optimize their marketing campaigns according to these trends. 

The Setup

The next step is to create an attribution link for each page or product that visitors clicked through from social media profiles, websites, blogs etc. To create one of these links, simply navigate to the “Links & Banners” section under Advertising Settings. It’s located within Seller Central (for US-based sellers). You will also find all of the options available for setting up tracking codes, including Affiliate Links. Also known as Associate Links, they enable tracking conversions and Attribution Links. These features can provide additional analytics related information about referring domains, referral sources, and more.

Once created, copy/paste the newly generated URLs into any external advertising campaign. Their ads can be placed in Google Ads Manager or posts shared across social media channels. If the setup is completed correctly, all the data will appear within Seller Central under Reports > Advertising Performance > Attributed Conversion Tracking report. You will get valuable insights about who clicked on your ads/links and if those clicks resulted in purchases. You will need this information to calculate your ROI. It also gives merchants insight into what type of content resonates well with potential buyers and refine future campaigns.

By utilizing Amazon Attribution Links, merchants have access to not only detailed reports but also valuable metrics regarding customer behavior when exposed to certain promotions. Business owners can then better target prospective consumers while minimizing wasted ad spend, reducing costs, and increasing overall profits.

Amazon Referral Bonus

Merchants who want to maximize their Amazon sales can consider the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus. This program offers a bonus for each sale generated by an affiliate link you share with another website or platform. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase from your store, you earn the referral bonus. The bonus amount varies according to which products were purchased and how many purchases were made within 24 hours of clicking a link. By leveraging this program in combination with attribution links, sellers can increase their reach while increasing profits at the same time!