Our Favorite Magento Extensions From Magestore

Chad Faith
Director of Content

Magento extensions are used by tens of thousands of customers worldwide, and Magestore is one of the top developers of such nifty extensions. There are many reasons why we love using their extensions. For starters, they give us strong capabilities in helping our clients to engage their own customers on their eCommerce stores and reduce the possibilities of abandoning a sale. Let’s find out why Magestore extensions are so cool!
Simple Magento ERP
You got a big headache with your Enterprise Resource Planning software?! That story will not happen if you use Magestore Magento ERP.
The Magestore ERP module is totally native with Magento. You don’t need to struggle with lossy integration with any 3rd party. No more nightmares about losing your business big data in one boom. And foremost, due to the simple ERP system, you won’t waste huge amount of money for online ERP training. That’s not yet! The Magestore ERP System will also help you throw away useless functions by designing your own ERP System with high-experienced Magestore developers. All your workload will be simplified as much as possible while you can notably boost up the business effectiveness.
Sounds interesting, right? But Magestore still got more than that!
Effective Point-of-Sales (POS)
There is nothing doing if you lack a POS in our store, and there is nothing amazing if you never try Magestore Web POS module. Due to its fast loading and smooth performance, you can serve your customers in a blink, and shorten the crazy waiting queue. Besides, your customers can pay in any methods they want – swipe card, multiple payments, cash payment, cash-on-delivery, or even customized payment (Bambora for example). Better still, there is one thing that you can hardly find in other POS providers – Magestore Web POS Offline Mode. Non-stop selling even when the Internet connection goes downs. And here is the most important signature of Magestore Web POS: it can automatically synchronize all POS data with Inventory (no matter you work online or offline). So you will never lose your eyes on core database as products, customers, orders and inventory.
Scalable Inventory Management
“Do I need to integrate POS with Inventory Management?”, you may ask. The answer is “No!”. The Inventory Management is losslessly integrated with POS System right in your backend. So you can throw out all your stress on data security, and fear of conflict or incompatible system as all data is synchronized and updated instantly.
Moreover, with the high UI/UX design, you lose no effort to track stock movement between your warehouse and point-of-sales. No more products loss through order processing and storage. That’s not bad!
Better yet, you cannot ignore another outstanding feature in Inventory Management – Supply Needs Forecast. Don’t have to bumble with huge numbers but still get the accurate number of stocks you need. How simple your life will be!
Smooth Order Fulfillment
Running an eCommerce business means to deal with tons of orders everyday. If you are messing up with high volume of sales orders, then quickly get to Magestore Order Fulfilment.
Due to its smooth and comprehensive performance, you can manage all orders and track order fulfillment process in 5-step processing line “Verify – Fulfill – Pick – Pack – Deliver”. Remarkable amount of time will be saved when your staffs can quickly edit each order processing steps on their touch screen. What’s more?! If your customers want to receive products online, you can count the shortest way to ship by API integration with all Magento supported shipping carriers.
Attractive Reward Points
The Magestore Reward Points is a supportive module to create your favorable loyalty programs. You can encourage your customers’ experiences in your store by loyalty points they receive whenever they shop in your store. And even if your customers want to give back your items, you can also give them an offer – Refunded by Points, which helps your customers keep purchasing for the next time. Satisfying returning customers is easier than attracting new ones. Besides, you can flexibly set rate for earning/spending points and manage reward point balance, customer reward points and adjust it as what you want.
Check out some of these wonderful Magestore extensions today and experience the magic for yourself!
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