Key Strategies To Help You Succeed In Display Advertising

Chad Faith
Director of Content

What are displays ads? For many business owners, display advertising is one of the main methods of monetizing traffic. It is a part of everyday life on the web and is in many ways a simple concept. Display advertising mainly helps to advertise your business, services and products in a creative and visual manner as well as driving sales conversion and engaging potential customers. If you have plans to develop successful display ads of your own, check out the key strategies below first:

Optimize Your Ads
One of the worst things that can happen when you are display ads on a website is that it slows down the site’s display and load time. This will make the end user wait longer for the advertisement to load up. Hence, you should consider designing light advertisements so that they can load up quickly.
Reduce the Number of Ad Formats
If you want to reduce overall production costs and time, it is pertinent that you find out which formats work best creatively. Once you have found them, concentrate on them.
Make Full Use of Negative Space
A bad website design is often full of clutter and a cluttered display ad will not help at all. This is why it is imperative that you keep in mind that white (negative) space is your ally. Experts have observed that a user’s eyes are normally attracted to the brightest or lightest areas of the screen first. If you leave sufficient white space around your content and message, you can direct more users to look at your information first.
Ensure That Your Ad Designs are Consistent with Your Organization’s Branding
To ensure that your potential customers are not put off, it is essential that your advertisements are consistent with your company’s branding as well as the landing page it links to.
Use Animation to Capture Attention
Movement catches the eye and that’s why you should use immersive animations or videos to capture potential customers’ attention. For starters, you can consider using simple and basic animations, which do not exceed the 15-second mark, and ensure that they do not loop more than three times. Do remember to include a call-to-action in the last frame of your animation.
Choose a Design That Works
An important rule to always remember is to guide your audience through the ad with great design. From distinct designs, eye-catching typography to the navigation/layout, all these elements have to be consistent. It also helps to use distinct buttons/icons that are large enough to be easily tapped and read.
Take Advantage of the Usefulness of CTAs
A clear call to action (CTA) must be present at all times, so that you can communicate to your users what they can expect from engaging with your ads. Choose your words carefully; for example, “Click to learn more” does not work as effectively as “Click to expand”.
One Main Idea is All You Need
Find out what your key objectives are and craft your creative strategy and story around that. Do not add unnecessary features that will dilute your message. To avoid confusing your users, keep things simple. Most users will only glance at your advertisement for a second.