A Look At PPC Marketing Trends For 2017

Chad Faith
Director of Content

The Internet, as we know it, is ever-changing and pretty dynamic, to say the least. PPC marketing is no exception; it is undergoing rapid change as we speak, and it is pretty difficult to keep track of them if you do not look at the right places. That’s why we have gathered a list of predicted PPC marketing trends for 2017 here. Let’s find out more!
Custom Automation Will Be a Common Phenomenon
Online marketers can finally take a breather and even skip laborious steps when it comes to understanding customer trends or bid optimization. Automation will take precedence over past practices; thanks to smart bidding and the availability of advanced prediction engines.
You Will See Increased Personal Targeting
In 2017, you can expect ads to become more personal. This is happening because marketers are finally realizing the importance and advantages of utilizing the large amount of consumer data for more personalization. This news means that your interests, education, income, and age will be used to separate you and other in groups. Marketers will then target different ads to their relevant groups.
Paid Ads Will Show More Live Data
Current ads display data such as users from your locality and local product availability, but things are about to change a little in 2017. Ad features such as AdWords scripts, Ad customizer, and local product inventory ads, allow more live data to be displayed in ads pertaining to paid search.
Bing Ads Becoming Mandatory
In the US and UK markets, using Bing Ads is no longer considered optional. It has become mandatory. In 2017, Bing will gain market share by further consolidating its position. Some of the main reasons of Bings’ success are less cost per (click compared to Google) and a quality unique audience.
Experience-Based Advertising Taking Center Stage
The focus of marketers has already started to tilt towards customer experience. That’s why the spotlight will be shining on experience-based advertising in 2017 – eCommerce companies take note! You can expect to see more products displayed in interactive ads. Marketers find that it’s easier to deal with customers who already have a basic idea of what they want or are familiar with the product.
Increased Usage of Video Ads
Video ads and search ads, which is the affordable one? Well, good news. Video ads are comparatively cheaper than the latter! 2017 is a good year to use them to connect with prospective customers. So why video ads? For starters, Google owns YouTube and it’s obvious that the former wants YouTube to advance. You can expect Google to enable seamless integration between your marketing campaign and video ads. If you want to improve conversions for your PPC ads, give video ads a shot!
The Rise of Shopping Campaigns
Google will be providing updates to its shopping campaign features on a continual basis. Marketers will be able to add more information such as Twitter followers, product ratings, prices, local product ratings, and nearby product availability, to enhance the Google Shopping experience for their consumers.
There you go – you have become acquainted with the top PPC marketing trends that are predicted to dominate the market! If you want to use the power of PPC to market your business, talk to us today at SmartSites!