Pay Attention To These Google Analytics Components!

Chad Faith
Director of Content

SEO is an essential tactic to have in any digital marketing strategy. In addition, it is critical that you understand which components to pay attention to without fail. When it comes to SEO components, and you are thinking about your keyword ranking progression, you are not wrong. However, keyword rankings are not the only components to look at to determine the success of your campaign. Let’s find out which other Google Analytics components need your attention:
Traffic Referral
Traffic referrals are components that show you where your online visitors originally came from. If you are able to find out where your traffic is coming from, you can see if your efforts in those areas are paying off. Now, if you do not see an increase in referrals from certain sources, this component of your SEO strategy needs adjustments.
Problems are not the only things you can discover. You will be able to discover new opportunities in traffic referral as well. For example, if you discover that you are getting traffic from a particular blog post that’s linked to you, building a relationship with that blogger and strengthening your presence there will help you gain more traffic.
Conversion Rate
Conversion rates are one of the most important Google Analytics components as they inform you the percentage of visitors taking action on your site. For example, it could be completing a quotation form, watching a video, making a purchase, and more. Simply put, conversion rates tell you how successful your site is. If you are getting low conversion rates, you need to revise your page’s content as well as ensure it answers the right questions and attracts the correct audience.
Top Landing Pages
Top landing pages refer to any of your site’s pages that visitors think are most important; pages that receive the highest levels of engagement. Knowing which pages your visitors are converting on is important, especially if you are building out new content on your site. You will learn what information is needed and whether your visitors will find them useful.
If you have already decided on a ranking page, you can determine if they are performing well by taking note of the number of Entrances they are receiving. An entrance refers to a click onto a specific page of your site directly from search engine results.
User is a Google Analytics component that refers to the number of people who have visited your website during a specific timeframe. It could be within a year, month, or week. An important area to focus on is new users. While you may see your traffic continue to grow, it doesn’t always mean that your audience has gotten bigger.
For example, someone visits your website five times, and another individual visits it for the first time. This means you only have two unique users in six sessions. With that in mind, use this component to determine if your marketing efforts are paying off; whether your audience is growing or not.
Your job isn’t done just by knowing what these Google Analytics components are; you need to make sure they are correctly implemented. If you aren’t familiar with this process, why not talk to someone from our SmartSites team to get you on the right track?