Top PPC Management Companies In New Jersey

Chad Faith
Director of Content

SmartSites has been ranked the top PPC management company in New Jersey by Clutch. Headquartered in 45 Eisenhower Drive, Suite #520, Paramus, NJ 07652, United States, SmartSites is strategically positioned within a high density of businesses in a state where a large percentage of people commute to New York daily for work.
This makes business exchanges within the two states common and in light of the ongoing pandemic, more emphasis than ever before is being placed on online marketing and PPC ads. One reason for this is due to the lockdown, which has limited customers from visiting brick-and-mortar stores. Even if businesses were to get onboard with an online presence, they needed to get the word out somehow. This is where PPC ads come in.
What are PPC Ads?
PPC ads place a business’s listing at the top of search engine result pages (SERPs). Many businesses choose to focus their PPC advertising on Google as it is the search engine with the largest market share. When you see a result with “Ad” next to it on SERPs, this means that it is a PPC ad.
PPC ads are utilized to generate a large amount of traffic in a short turnaround time, and businesses do not have to break the bank to make use of PPC ads. This is because, as implied by its name, businesses only pay each time a customer clicks on their link. Small businesses who think that online marketing will cut significantly into their budgets are wrong – PPC ads are definitely budget-friendly for big and small businesses alike.
Understanding the Place of PPC Ads in a Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
There’s no denying that PPC ads have their place in a business’s marketing strategy, jumping them right to the top of SERPs. This makes the listing more visible to their target market. However, PPC ads should be employed in conjunction with a more comprehensive marketing strategy in mind as they are not designed to generate long-term results. PPC ads may jumpstart the interest in a business’s offerings and bring customers through the door, but to retain them, other strategies such as SEO and social media marketing will come into play.

These strategies focus on generating sustainable, long-term leads and propelling organic traffic. When used in conjunction with PPC ads, you will see your business start to grow slowly but surely. Many businesses outsource their PPC management efforts to a digital marketing firm because of the time they stand to save and the expertise they stand to be on the receiving end of.
Are You Looking for a Top PPC Management Company in NJ?
If your business is looking to work with a top PPC management company in NJ, get in touch with SmartSites. Please feel free to call SmartSites at 201-870-6000 to discuss a PPC advertising strategy that will help to bring customers through the door and keep them where you want them.