
Senior Project Manager

Pearl River, NY
“Andrei Saguna” University, Constanta, Romania
  • Photography
  • Fashion
  • Make Up
  • Reading
  • Hiking
  • Nature

Irina, our project manager, has been an absolute pleasure and is a true professional to work with, in terms of going out of her way to provide us assistance and accommodating our needs / goals.

HQ Custom Design Inc
Lenny Levin
HQ Custom Design

Irina Mircica has been such a big help in building our website for our company, she is very dedicated and creative. She has exceeded above and beyond our expectations.

Schipani PR
William Castillo
Squeaky Klean Services

It has been such a pleasure to work specifically with Irina Mircica, she is truly amazing, she has helped us tons and is very creative. Irina has a great personality, she has been very patient with us, she has great attention to detail and has the brightest ideas to bring any project to life.

Home Ally Logo
Janet Santos
Home Ally

We worked closely with Irina Mircica and found her to be an excellent partner in creating our website. She paid great attention to detail, updated us every step of the way, and has made this process seamless.

Midtown Root Canal
Rachel Jakob
Midtown Root Canal

Irina was always available, had great input and ideas, and kept me on tract to ge thte website completed. We ended up with a beautiful product we can be proud to show clients. Thanks Irina and SmartSites!

JML Logo
Laura Pelaia
JML Contracting
Get To Know Irina

I used to be a promoter as a teenager. I remember having so much fun especially in the summer when the events were mostly on the beach. A few years later I was promoted to Office Assistant and one year later I got a Project Manager position within the same company. Must be how I fell in love with Project Management.

“Game of Thrones”. I believe it to be a masterpiece from every perspective. One of the very few TV shows that managed to stay loyal to the books the show is based on. Great actors, great setting and effects, wonderful storyline and absolutely gorgeous costumes and make up!

That’s hard, I am an avid fiction reader.The most recent books I read that really captivated me were “The Magus” by John Fowles and “Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini. I love fantasy so Tolkien with “The Lord of The Rings”, J.K. Rowling with “Harry Potter” and of course George R. Martin with “A Song of Ice and Fire” definitely make it in the top 10. To speak of more “grown up” books, I think James Clavell is one of my favorite writers – the novel “Shogun” made me fall in love with his work and I think I read (and loved) everything he wrote ever since. I can go on and on, really, with writers and titles, so I will stop before it becomes boring.

I love challenging projects that require me to see things from a different perspective. I love innovation and out of the box thinking.

Facebook! I can find anything on Facebook, from how to change a tire to pictures of kittens, from my Mother posting a new cake recipe to reading about the latest news in science and everything in between. Facebook is like Manhattan: it has everything you could possibly need without you having to make the smallest effort to reach it. It simply is there.

Sim City, the very first version of the game. I was little, trying to play the game and getting really frustrated because I was failing miserably at being a good mayor. My brother would just fix it for me every now and then.

None of them are my pets but my backyard gladly hosts the following: one beaver family – they recently had a baby, two bunnies, several birds, two opossums. Deers visit sometimes. There’s food for everyone and I always have my camera ready for a shot.

I am a Project Manager. It’s the job that I want and am happy doing, I don’t really see myself doing anything else than what I already do.

Fairy Godmother from Cinderella! There’s nothing better that having a magic wand you can use to create perfect outfits and make up for you and your friends, create your own fancy car out of vegetables and make a great entrance at the coolest party in the Kingdom!

Turkey. From Antalya with its gorgeous landscapes, Bodrum and Kusadasi with great food and amazing people to Istanbul that has a very particular mix of modern and ancient architecture (mosques, palaces, gorgeous parks). Ephesus with its traditions and happy people is always ready to welcome guests. Turkey is, by far, one destination that I would always gladly revisit.