Cliffside Park, NJCollege
Rutgers UniversityInterests
- Music
- Traveling
- Hiking
- Camping
I worked at an appliance store, cleaning the showroom. I eventually positioned myself to sell their products on eBay and became their internet marketer.
My all-time favorite movie is Gladiator – enough said.
It is a toss-up between The Count of Monte Cristo and Captain Blood – both stories are of good men who have been wronged and get justice in the most badass way possible.
Reddit, Wikipedia, and Gooooooooooooogle.
I used to just say SEO, digital marketing, and even resorted to just “the internet.” But now I just say I “build and promote websites for businesses” – something most people would understand.
I consider myself a full-stack marketer who is able to connect the technical aspects of SEO, the creative facets of design, and the importance of achieving business goals. I can freely talk and explain details to clients, designers, developers, marketers, and PPC and SEO departments that a specialist may not be able to do.
Somewhere close to a beach and mountains. I’m a big fan of warm weather and outdoor activities.
I’ve been scrobbling my music activities for years now – you can check it out on last.fm
All time # 1 is Orange Grove – Shook
The Doctor – he lives in own world(s) and goes on crazy adventures, saving the world one day at a time.
My first domain was www.wmtoolbox.com – a website dedicated to helping other webmasters with tools and scripts. I built others on free hosting where I made enough money to buy a domain and hosting (which was a lot back when I was 13).
Puerto Rico is the most exotic – mountains, caves, surfing, beaches, waterfalls, hot springs, iguanas and amazing food. But there are many more exotic adventures in the near future.
I dislike a lack of punctuality.