Custom website design for a police bureau nonprofit in New Jersey
Custom Police Department Nonprofit Website
Boost visibility and capture fundraising dollars with a stellar web design
Based in Jersey City, New Jersey, JCPD DBA (Jersey City Police Detective’s Benevolent Association) is a nonprofit organization. A custom police bureau nonprofit website was created to allow the public to donate to a fund that provides survivor benefits for sworn law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.

WordPress for Police Websites
Nonprofit organizations can easily configure WordPress websites to facilitate donations safely and efficiently
JCPD DBA’s custom WordPress website was not only easy to use and navigate but also gave visitors peace of mind while they donate online. Thanks to WordPress’ robust security features, this was possible.

Lead Generation for Government Agencies
Highlight your government agency with unique call-to actions
With a professional nonprofit website, JCPD DBA was able to established itself as a trustworthy organization. This was important as they were seeking donations for a good cause. If you want to create a custom nonprofit website design, you should work with a professional web designer.