Chat GPT – Foreseen Opportunities and Challenges


ChatGPT and many other AI Services have been taking the internet, digital marketing professionals, and society at whole by storm! The technological advancement made by OpenAI’s new tool, and how they continue to improve upon this language based AI, is revolutionizing the way people (not just professionals) execute work. There is even an opportunity for ChatGPT to become a new alternative to how to acquire information, given the datasets the AI is built off of. In this article, we explore the opportunities and challenges this revolutionary tool, and how others like it, may yield for the human race. Are we on the brink of ‘Skynet’? Or are we, with ChatGPT/AI, advancing as a species?
Opportunities presented by ChatGPT
While there is currently a lot of uncertainty surrounding the capabilities of artificial intelligence when it comes to content creation, we cannot underestimate the opportunities that it presents. In the world of content creation and copywriting, it takes a team of skilled writers time to research and learn about the subject they need to write about, time to write the actual content and then someone needs to proofread it before it’s ready to be published…until now, that is. With the internet’s database at its fingertips, ChatGPT can be used as a tool in multiple capacities to improve efficiency and workflow.
ChatGPT as a powerful tool for educators and students
As with any new tool, ChatGPT presents a learning curve for educators and students alike. Teachers have raised valid concerns about students having the ability to easily cheat or skip the work all together. A recent study found that 26% of teachers have reported their students using ChatGPT as a means of cheating. Still, the possibilities of how ChatGPT can enhance education for teachers and students are endless. Teachers can save valuable time and use ChatGPT as a means to help craft their lesson plans, draft questions for an exam or quiz, or even aid with standard parent-teacher communication. For students, this can look like using ChatGPT to help students create useful outlines or key takeaways from their learning materials. Educators can teach students how to harness the power of AI tools to aid in their learning rather than making it the enemy.
ChatGPT as a way to enhance customer service
Great customer service, or the lack thereof, can make or break a company’s reputation. Many customers want to stay informed and feel heard when an issue with the product or service arises. The truth is, not every business has the bandwidth or financial means to have someone available 24/7 for every customer with a question or complaint. That’s where ChatGPT can be especially helpful. When a customer inquires about an issue they are experiencing, ChatGPT can be used as a way to troubleshoot the situation by providing helpful information. This also creates a way for companies to provide consistency in the information they provide to their customers because the responses are standardized. ChatGPT is also a reliable way to keep customers informed of any time-sensitive updates being made on the website that may affect their accessibility or account. Not only does this proactivity create for clear communication, but this also helps to promote a peace of mind for the customer or user.
ChatGPT as a personal assistant
ChatGPT’s ability to integrate with third party integrations makes it the perfect personal assistant and notetaker. Everyone knows what it’s like to attend an important call and to be scribbling down notes as fast as they can only to miss half the meeting trying to take notes. ChatGPT’s is now being used as an integration with other tools like Google Meets and Tactiq to transcribe your meetings and provide you with a summary so that you can spend your time 100% focused and interacting with call participants. What’s even better is that it will take note of who attended the call and create action items for each participant based on what was discussed so that you can make the most out of following calls.
Challenges posed by ChatGPT
ChatGPT’s impact on employment and the workforce
With the emergence of Chat-GPT there also came uncertainty and uneasiness on how this new technology would affect workplaces. It can be really exciting (and a bit scary) when you think about all the new opportunities a tool like Chat-GPT can offer. But at the end of the day I believe that is all it is: a tool. A way to make jobs easier and allows us to streamline processes that would normally take hours. Instead of trying to fight against the current rise of AI technology I believe we should be working to use it to our advantage.
An over reliance on this sort of technology can be dangerous but it’s not meant to be used like such. Where most people become worried is when they think about the statement made from the World Economic Journal that read “AI and Robotics is expected to replace 85 million jobs by 2025.” And while that is heavy they also went on to say that AI will create 91 million jobs by 2025. The goal of this technology is not to replace jobs, but to reduce the amount of menial tasks we take on, so that we are able to focus our work and energy in other more productive ways.
ChatGPT hallucinations & false information
It’s no secret that Chat-GPT is not always spot on with its answers, which has raised concerns with many of its users. One major issue with all emerging chat bots is that it is increasingly hard to have the source or citation listed with the answers that are being provided. The reason this has most people alarmed is because it can inadvertently spread incorrect information when using Chat-GPT.
However, as with anything you read on the internet you should always be double checking the facts. Chat-GPT is not an all knowing source, it gathers information from massive amounts of data and relies on the accuracy of the data received to generate its answers. It is a very powerful tool, but it is important to remember that you should always take precaution and do your own research alongside it to make sure your information is correct.
ChatGPT’s implications for privacy and data security
While Chat-GPT should be praised for its usability, most people are concerned when it comes to their right to privacy. Chat-GPT privacy policy does state that personal information does get collected to conduct research which can include your IP address, browser type, browser activities, and even time spent on other websites. It also takes the type of content you engage with and may provide your data to unspecified third parties.
Like with all cyber security it is important to be responsible about what information you provide to anyone and Chat-GPT is no exception. You should not be providing it with sensitive or private information, and be very careful with the information you do choose to share.
Embracing and Leveraging ChatGPT
When pitching prospects on our Services [here at SmartSites], we are normally asked how we utilize and/or incorporate AI into our production/development process. In the past, we used to avoid answering this question with confirmations since society did not yet trust AI and what it can do for the employee, student, or just curious person. Now, given the success of OpenAI and other competitors, we are headed towards a new age of information allocation and distribution!